On the occasion of its official reopening after the 2022 restyling, Hotel Plaza Opéra is proud to present a new and exciting contemporary art project by art curator and historian Floriana Spanò : an itinerary trough the hotel spaces called “Inner Landscapes”.
“There are five artists involved in the project: Simona Cavaglieri, Andrea Ciriminna, Simone Haug, Andrea Pinchi e Salvo Rivolo, all with different approaches to materials and different styles, will take us on a journey through their inner landscape” says Floriana Spanò.
“Each person has an inner landscape, a sort of geography of the soul where the facts of life find their place. As we observe the world around us, live, meet people and see places, we model this landscape within ourselves. Our inner landscapes are not entirely tangible, as they include both fictional and real elements, these latter often related to memories. We are taken to a particular place in our mind by a smell, a colour, a taste. We immediately visualize an image and ackowledge that it comes from within, telling someting about us and our experiences.”
“Exploring this landscape allows you to travel within yourself, following the thread of the relations you have built within and around yourself. It is a process of creation and adaptation, giving significance to our life and to the marks we leave around us. Each of the artists involved, through their personal language, will take us on a journey through their inner landscape.”
The itinerary will involve common areas such as the hotel lobby and the waiting spaces, and then the last two floors of the property, in its most glamorous upgrade rooms, such as the two suites, the junior suite and one of the deluxe rooms. On the days following the official opening, visitors can book their visit to the itinerary, while guests staying in one of the rooms involved will live a more intimate experience with the artwork.